Bitcoin Makes Progress in Clearing Backlog, but Lightning Network Capacity and Channels Dropped Amid Congestion

In the past week, the Bitcoin network has made progress in resolving its congestion issues. 5月 7, 2023, the number of unconfirmed transactions reached an all-time high of over 500,000 転送, causing a major backlog. でも, as of today, that

「考えられる取引の種類は非常に多様」 — ナカモト氏とアンドレセン氏の会話を振り返る

ビットコインのメモリプール, ネットワークのトランザクション バックログとも呼ばれます, まだオーバーが詰まっています 390,000 マイナーによる処理を待っているトランザクション. メンプールをクリアするには, より多い 190 ブロックを採掘する必要がある. スケーリングの問題が続く中、…

Bitcoin Community Divided: Scaling Challenges Trigger Intense Debate as Mempool Overflows

今週, the Bitcoin community has been abuzz with discussions about the network’s scaling challenges. As the blockchain’s transfer fees continue to surge, the backlog of transactions stuck in the mempool has hit an unprecedented high. Crypto enthusiasts have been sharing

Binance Announces Lightning Network Withdrawal Implementation Amidst Bitcoin Network Congestion Issues

Binance has announced its intention of implementing Lightning Network, a layer 2 Bitcoin scaling protocol, on its platform after experiencing an episode of congestion regarding withdrawals on the Bitcoin network. The exchange had to pause bitcoin withdrawals twice due to a

Bitcoin Network Overwhelmed by 390,000 Unconfirmed Transactions and Surging Fees

In just under two weeks, the number of unconfirmed transactions on the Bitcoin network has skyrocketed from 134,000 to over 390,000, causing a bottleneck in the mempool. This surge in unconfirmed transactions has resulted in a staggering 343% increase in transaction

報告する: Egyptian Pound Reaches New Low Against US Dollar Despite Flexible Exchange Rate Regime

The exchange rate of the Egyptian pound versus the U.S. dollar fell to a new low on Jan. 11 after it tapped 32.14 per greenback. The currency’s latest significant depreciation came just a few months after it adopted a flexible exchange

自己監護は機能以上のもの–デニス・ジャービス, Bitcoin.comのCEO

市場が上昇している間に, 人々は、ますます魅力的なリターンを約束する集中型取引所や集中型融資プラットフォームなどの信頼できるサードパーティに暗号資産を預けることに慣れています。. 楽しい時間は永遠に続きません, けれど. As markets peak and monetary policy